The Mission Sunday celebration at Susaipalayam Parish, KGF, which is under our pastoral care, was held on 5 November 2023. It was a meticulously planned and well-organized event which turned out to be a grand success. All the sections of the parish – Anbiams (Basic Christian Community Units), Youth, Altar Servers, Neo-catechumenate community, Religious communities of Sisters and in a big way Don Bosco ITI – were all involved in the preparation and conduct of the various activities. The planning and preparations had been initiated a month in advance with Fr. Dominic Savio at the vanguard leading the parish youth, with the collaboration of Fr Previnth and the community of Don Bosco ITI, and with the support and encouragement of the parish priest Rev Fr KV Sebastian.

The day itself was filled with excitement and joy as the children and likewise the adults moved from stall to stall. The programme began with the Holy Mass at 7.00 am. Food counters – the chief attraction of the fest – serving grilled chicken, noodles, sandwiches, biriyani, bhel puri and other delicacies sponsored by the different parish units, associations and Don Bosco ITI; a clothes store; chance games conducted by the youth and a lottery were the highlights for mission funding. Undeterred by the incessant rain the previous evening and the whole night, the organizers went ahead with courage and trust in Divine Providence to conduct the programme as planned. Thanks be to God the weather was favourable during the entire span of the celebrations up to the moment of the concluding Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr. Dominic Savio at 1.00 pm.

The mission Sunday celebration was verily a concrete expression of the participation of the entire parish community in little and not so little ways in the great missionary mandate of the Church.

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