The 8th Kerala Social Work Congress & National Conference at Don Bosco College, Kottiyam

The 8th Kerala Social Work Congress & National Conference, held from September 15 & 16, 2023, at Don Bosco College, Kottiyam, was a significant event that highlighted the critical role of professional social workers in addressing the challenges of contemporary society and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The event was inaugurated by Mr. NK Premachandran, Member of Parliament, who emphasized the importance of social workers equipped with professional skills in the evolving social landscape. He underscored that community empowerment could only be sustained through the effective utilization of academic and professional training.

The inaugural ceremony was presided over by Father Dr. Bobby John, Director of Don Bosco College, Kottiyam. Dr. M.P. Antony, President of Kerala Association of Professional Social Workers (KAPS), and Prof. Ipe Varghese, National Secretary of INPSS, also graced the occasion with their presence. General Convener Mr. Kochu Krishna Kurup, College Principal Dr. Y. Joy, and KAPS General Secretary M.B. Dilip Kumar delivered speeches, emphasizing the importance of the conference.

The Academic Session of the 8th Kerala Social Work Congress & National Conference, held from September 15 to 18, 2023, at Don Bosco College, Kottiyam, was inaugurated by Dr. Joy Elamon, Director General of the Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA). Dr. Elamon’s participation added significant value to the conference, considering his expertise and leadership in the field of local administration and sustainable development. The conference featured engaging academic sessions where prominent speakers presented topics related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the role of social workers. Some of the notable presentations included:

  1. UNDP representative Upasana Sikri addressed the importance of SDG implementation in India.
  2. Dr. AB George discussed sustainable approaches to mitigate the impact of climate change, aligning with the SDGs.
  3. Dr. Peter Raj explored the concept of socially secured and socially just communities concerning SDGs 1, 5, and 10.
  4. Dr. Joseph Sebastian highlighted the role of social work interventions in addressing social inequalities, particularly focusing on SDGs 4 and 10.
  5. Dr. Peter M Raj discussed the importance of SDG 1, which aims to eradicate poverty in all its forms. He might have highlighted the critical role social workers play in identifying poverty-related issues and implementing strategies to uplift marginalized communities.
  6. Dr. Baikedy discussed the significance of SDG 1, which aims to end poverty in all its forms. He may have highlighted how social workers can design and implement poverty alleviation programs, ensuring that vulnerable populations have access to essential resources and opportunities.
  7. Ms. Bindu VC provided an overview of the Kerala State Women’s Development Corporation’s initiatives aimed at promoting social justice and gender equality.

These sessions provided valuable insights into the practical application of social work principles and skills in achieving the SDGs and fostering community development.

Dr. M P Antonysummarized the main highlights of the conference. He likely reflected on the key discussions, presentations, and insights shared throughout the event. Dr. Antony might have emphasized the importance of the conference’s theme, “Leaving No One Behind,” and how it relates to the role of professional social workers in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Mr. Jijo Joy, representing Don Bosco College, Kottiyam, provided his perspective on the conference’s significance and the contributions made by the academic community and attendees. He shared his thoughts on how the conference has advanced the field of social work and contributed to the betterment of society.

Dr. Francina X, the Treasurer of KAPS, expressed her gratitude on behalf of the organizing committee to all the participants, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers who made the conference a success. She acknowledged the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in planning and executing the event. Dr. Francina X extended an invitation to future conferences and continued collaboration in the field of social work.

The Plenary Session and concluding remarks encapsulated the essence of the conference, underlining its significance in promoting social justice, equity, and sustainable development through the efforts of professional social workers. It left attendees inspired and motivated to carry forward the conference’s themes and discussions into their work and communities.

The active involvement of both students and organizers not only enriched the conference but also contributed to the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences. It reflects a shared commitment to the conference’s theme of “Leaving No One Behind” and the role of social work in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The 8th Kerala Social Work Congress & National Conference served as a platform for professionals, academics, and experts to come together and discuss the critical role of social workers in the context of the SDGs. It emphasized the importance of academic and professional training for social workers to effectively contribute to sustainable development and the well-being of communities. The event concluded with a sense of purpose and a renewed commitment to leaving no one behind in the pursuit of social justice and equality.

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