Young Priests Meeting organized at Don Bosco Provincial House

45 young priests from the Salesian province of Bangalore in the quinquennium of their priestly journey gathered at the Don Bosco provincial house, Bangalore from 28th October to 30th October. It was indeed a joyful and blessed occasion where young confreres gathered to share experiences of their early experiences in the vineyard of the Lord and also attend various sessions to help them along their priestly journey.

The various input sessions organized included topics such as Youth Ministry, the Salesian Congregation in the Indian Ecclesial Scenario, Psychosexual Maturity, Workplace etiquette and other enriching sessions. Fr. Provincial gave a conference on the last day on how to live the Salesian life fruitfully in the backdrop of the centenary celebrations we witnessed in the North East of India.

Various moments of fraternal sharing enriched the whole experience. A sincere word of thanks to the Provincial house community, Fr. Shalbin the vice Provincial and Fr. Provincial for all the arrangements and the opportunity for such an experience.

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