Youth Membership day at Don Bosco Prakashpalya

Youth Membership Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Don Bosco Vidyakshetra, Prakashpalya, marking a special occasion for the youth of the community. The event was graced by distinguished guests, including Fr. Uday, a dedicated youth animator, Fr. Lowrence Rayappa, the Rector of the Prakashpalya community, and Fr. Mithun, the Administrator and Youth Animator of the same community. Other fathers from the Salesian community were also present, lending their support to the vibrant celebration.

The highlight of the day was that the entire program was organized and executed by the youth themselves. From planning the agenda to coordinating the activities, the young members of the community took full charge, showcasing their leadership skills and creativity. Their efforts were a reflection of the strong values and training imparted by the Salesian community, emphasizing the importance of youth empowerment and involvement.

Fr. Uday, in his address, encouraged the youth to continue being active participants in the church and the community, highlighting the significance of service and leadership in their lives. Fr. Lowrence Rayappa commended the youth for their dedication and teamwork, emphasizing that events like these strengthen the bond between the community and its younger members. Fr. Mithun added his appreciation, acknowledging the role of the youth in shaping the future of the community and the church.

The event was a resounding success, filled with various activities such as group discussions, games, and cultural programs that fostered unity and camaraderie among the participants. It was a day of celebration, learning, and growth, leaving the youth inspired and motivated to take on more responsibilities in the future.

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