Youth Membership day & Commemoration of Don Bosco Birthday at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Lourdnagara

On 14th August 2022, The youth of Our Lady of Lourdes, Lourdunagar participated in the 6:30 am eucharistic mass which was followed by registering their names to be members of the Don Bosco Youth.

On completion of the membership Drive; Under the guidance of Fr. Xavier (Parish Priest), Fr.James (Assistant Parish Priest), Fr. Edward, Br.Samuel (Youth Co-ordinator), Mr. Balraj (Youth Animator) and Parish Council Members, the youth organized games for catechism children from 1st standard to 10th standard.

The youth also actively participated in games (Throwball, Volleyball and Tug of War) that were organized for them in collaboration with the parishners. The Youth dispersed at 3:30 pm after their Lunch.

On 16th August 2022, The youth of Our Lady of Lourdes, Lourdunagar celebrated the birthday of St. Don Bosco by coordinating and participating in the 6:30 pm evening mass. Which was followed by a short introduction to the life and deeds of the Saint. The youth celebrated the day with a small cake cutting ceremony. They dispersed at 8:00 pm after they collected their snacks.

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